Need assistance? I'm here to help improve business outcomes.

As a business advisor, I focus on helping owners and executives achieve their desired results. With a C-suite background, I understand the complexities of scale and growth. As a startup founder, I understand the requirements of relentless effort, putting it all on the line, and getting to profit.

I offer a broad business perspective that spans startup creation to scaling multi-million-dollar operations. Industry agnostic, my value add is delivered through a curated mix of culture, operations, technology, and strategy-based approaches.

Being an owner or executive can often be a lonely and tiring journey. Your position as a leader is pivotal, and I'm here to provide stakeholder-level support every step of the way. Whether you're starting new, kickstarting growth, getting to scale, doing M&A, or planning an exit, I’m here to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead.

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Mitchell Morris


Business Owner & Executive Advisory
Fractional & Interim CxO - hybrid CEO, CIO, COO
Business Exit & Sell-Side Advisor
Business Leadership Independence Planning


Principal Advisor
Conrad Alois
Inkind Company
Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship
Chief Information Officer
The Huntington
Senior Vice President, IT
Principal Consultant & Managing Partner
Strategic Point

About me

I go by Mitch. For 25 years, I've been involved in growth and scale-based businesses, some from concept and others up to $250 million in revenue. I am an advent student of life, business, and tangible transformation. As a seasoned advisor, I've supported over 100 businesses in executive, advisory, and consulting capacities. I have an MBA degree, am an active angel investor, and serve as an adjunct professor of entrepreneurship.
I am a firm believer in rollup-your-sleeves management. With it, I bring an entrepreneurial perspective to every engagement.
an informal picture of Mitchell Morris and a cat who snuck in